What has Sherwood Forest produced other than some guy with a hoodie named Robin and his green tight laden band of Merry Men?
Calaveras County's famed Rubber Chicken Forest is renowned for its zig zag roads, an ancient thriving oak tree and the production of a portion of the region's tastiest wine offerings from big flavored Tempranillo and Syrah as well as the Petite Sirah.
It is often said the journey is better than the destination. Both are winners here.The trip to Twisted Oak Winery, off Highway 4, in Vallecito is one of increasing elevations and amusement, in the form of outrageous signs and other visual aids, along the way. Just don't laugh too loud though...pay attention to the road as there are significant holes here.
Snicker with caution at signs proclaiming to watch for rubber chickens, slow down for rubber chickens and observe speed limits or else fall under the law of Ruben the foulest of the fowl this side of the Sierras.
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